Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Feeling huge

I weighed in at 140 today, so lost 1 lb from yesterday. I had 354 calories all together. A decent intake, but I still am feeling really fat. I'm hoping to fast tomorrow and friday, and then hopefully stay under 500 cals per day on the weekend. Weekends are difficult because I have to eat enough to satisfy my fiance. (thankfully she has no concept of calories)

For exercise... Well, I was really sore and aching all over. Hopefully thats only because I'm out of shape and it will get less painful. Buttt no pain no gain (loss?), so I managed to do 100 crunches, 150 jumping jacks, 100 squats, and 13 minutes of running.

I wanted to do a 15 minute run today but my calves feel like exploding.

Might walk to the library tomorrow, I think its quite a long walk. I'll update with the mileage tomorrow if I decide to go through with it. I hope whoever is reading this is doing well!

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